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Music Tech  |  UX + UI Design

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Spotify Music Console

Casual Home DJ Mixer

Giving streamed music a physical interface with the intention of reincorporating the charm of physical music.

Digital Tech  |  Packaging Design

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Digital Capsule System

Virtual Collectibles

Studying the NFT craze to extract insights and improve the overall digital product experience. 

Instrument Styling  |  Packaging Design

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nunu Knobs

Personal Brand

Opening up customizability options in electronic music products and more.

Storytelling  |  Form Development

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Found Artifacts

A collection of crash landed artifacts found throughout the United States. Although their original function is unknown, they make for a great set of vessels.

Packaging  |  Brand Collaboration

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Nintendo Labo Happy Meal

Packaging Design

A speculative collaboration aiming to provide a more fulfilling Happy Meal experience. Customize and battle fold-up tops that pop out of the packaging itself.

Music Tech

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Swatch Music Group

Synthesizer Experiments

The music group aims to create warmer, more approachable ways of making music, so that anyone can explore and enjoy making music.

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About Me

Inspiration & More

Get to know more about me, my process, and my influences.

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