What does it do?
The field recorder draws waves based on motion, and then turns those waves into sounds.
It is also compatible with the Bird-Box and Music-com, letting you export and turn these waves into new exciting experiments!

What if motion could be read, traced, and then turned into sound?
How does it work?




User presses the record button, in order to start recording motion.
Like a dice, the recorder is tossed, letting the user discover sounds through motion.
The user then presses the play button, and the instrument plays back the sound it has “drawn”.
The field recorder samples can then be imported into your favorite sampler.

User Scenarios
Attached to dog's collar
Resulting sound

Little brother running down the hall
Resulting sound

Hard bouncing throw
Resulting sound

Sound production is moved from the studio out into the world, creating sounds with stories. Sounds are discovered,
rather than created.
The Process
Playing with ideas of how the user could discover new sounds in their environment, along with how the same object can be remixed in order to produce a different set of sounds.


Form Refinement

After some rough modeling, I got to an idea I was happy with. A tossable wave-creator with swappable magnetic nubs of different weight and density to alter its motion.
The form however, needed some heavy polishing.

Inspired by swappable massage nubs, the recorder uses nubs of alternating weights and shapes to alter its bounce + sound.